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Methods and Resources

1. Statistics NZ Northland Iwi Profiles

2. Statistics NZ Northland Iwi aggregated information

3  Statistics NZ Northland Iwi individual, times series information

4. Statistics NZ Northland Iwi Te Kupenga survey information

5. Key documents and reports pertinent to Māori wellbeing





Sources of Information

Variables of interest

Ethnicity, iwi, Māori business ownership, geographical/mesh

block location, gender, age, highest educational qualification, employment status, source(s) of income, labour force participation, marital/relationship status, occupation type, industry type, house ownership, tenure, level of income and unpaid activities, IRD Tax data (for non-government researchers).


We use SAS, Excel and SPSS to conduct proportional distributions, cross tabulations, chi squares, univariate, bivariate, multivariate analysis and standard tests for sample validity/representativeness.

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