Where to from here?
Ideas for Schools
Many opportunities for rangatahi to expand their learning on marae at school can be explored across most subjects at all levels including NCEA. These align with general curricula developments towards enhancing Māori ideas, values and histories along with continued teacher training and support. Here are some examples of project topics that broadens knowledge of marae:
• Identify and describe environmental practices of a marae community and how they utilised their environment. Describe what kinds of resources were important to their survival and why. Key terms: kaitiakitanga, whenua, wai, ngāhere, moana, whānau, hapū, rāhui, maramataka, manaakitanga.
• Investigate the lands of a marae community. What were the blocks associated with the marae? What land was lost and what remains in hapū ownership? Use Waitangi Tribunal, Pataki whenua online resources. Key terms: whenua, land tenure, Native Land Court.
• Climate change is having a great effect on environments already as we have seen with increased intensity storms, flooding, erosion, droughts, and sea-level rise. Choose an issue or issues of concern to marae and their environmental,
ecological, social and/or cultural impacts. Key terms: impacts, climate change, pollution, policy, marae, kaitiakitanga, whakapapa, mauri, adaptation. [This could extend to describing adaptation and include units on adaptation for marae].
Design/Tech/Computer science
• Design a marae facility (meeting house and/or dining hall) that is disaster proof and able to withstand strong earthquakes, tsunami, floods, and fire.
• Develop a tech game idea based on purākau (kin group stories), mātauranga (Māori knowledge and traditions) or kōrero (legends).
The website www.maorimaps.com may also help rangatahi learn about their marae,
where it is, their hapū, iwi, key contacts, and basic history associated with each marae.