Demographics and rangatahi capacities
This section describes the basic demographic breakdown (ages and genders) of the three hundred and sixty-two rangatahi across eight schools that took part in this research. Section two investigates rangatahi level of knowledge of their marae/pā location. Further, we report their strength of connection to their ancestral/tribal marae or pā.
Figure 1: Ages of rangatahi (N=362)
Age range of rangatahi
As figure 1 shows, more than three quarters (77.3%) of rangatahi who were surveyed, were 15 years and over. A smaller proportion of rangatahi (22%) were 14 years or younger. One percent of rangatahi did not indicate their age.
Genders of the rangatahi
The gender distribution of the survey population was approximately two thirds male, one third female and one percent indicating as gender diverse. These proportional disparities are reflective of the school types (single sex female, single sex male and co-ed model) surveyed and their respective sample populations).
Figure 2: Gender indicated N=362)
Identifying ancestral/tribal marae/ pā
Just over half (56%) of rangatahi who were surveyed indicated they could identify which ancestral/tribal marae/ pā they belong to.
Figure 3: Percent of rangatahi who can identify their tribal marae /pā (N=362)
Strength of connection to ancestral/tribal marae or pā
Approximately one third (34%) of rangatahi (who knew their ancestral/tribal marae or pā) felt very strongly or strongly connected to their tūrangawaewae (see figure 4). Correspondingly, over half (57%) of rangatahi rated their feelings of connection, as less strong, ranging from somewhat connected to very weakly connected. A relatively small proportion (7%) of rangatahi felt no connection. Three percent did not know their strength of connection to their marae or pā.
Figure 4: Strength of connection to ancestral/tribal marae or pā (N=193